Are you a new dirt bike rider tired of stalling, falling and constantly being behind your friends on the tracks and trails? Or maybe you're already a good rider that just wants to corner sharper, jump higher, and ride faster...
Then do I have good news for you.
I personally want to take your riding style to a much faster, safer, controlled way of riding, elevating it to a completely new level. You see, I have already taught thousands of riders, developing a secret system that will rapidly change your comfort level on your dirt bike forever.
I will not teach you like the old riding dad on the block or the friend that got you into riding, flooding your head with an abundance of information at all the wrong times, only to get frustrated at you when you can't instantly process all this information.
No way... I have something way better for you.
My Rad Dirt Bike Course grabs your full attention wherever you may be on your dirt biking journey and walks you through a step by step process on how to ride like a pro. These dirt bike training classes will help you discover new body positioning skills, unlock secret control techniques, and show you how to progress your riding as fast and safe as possible. Once you are comfortable with this, I will personally teach you how to navigate all the obstacles you will come across on the tracks and trails, making sure you can take your dirt bike riding anywhere you want.
If you leave your email address at the bottom of this page, I will send you my free ebook 25 Shocking Secrets You Must Know Before Riding A Dirt Bike. This is only available for a limited time, so don't miss this insane offer.
Having raced motocross since I was 7 years old, I have packaged over 20+ years of racing experience to help accelerate your learning curve. Now living in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, I ride everything from pro national motocross tracks to some of the gnarliest enduro single track trails that exist in the desert and mountains. I did not skimp out on a single detail in creating this dirt bike training school for you, personally guaranteeing that you will learn how to ride like a pro and be able to discover the unknown for yourself!
After finishing this RAD Course, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to master your next dirt biking adventure with confidence! You will feel prepared, comfortable, and more excited than ever to go ride the tracks and trails!
And my favorite part is...
Seeing you effortlessly evolve your riding to a level you never imagined possible.
Don't just listen to me, below are some of my clients' testimonials.
"You're an excellent Facilitator, you really walk us through the process and procedures in a very informative and supportive way! I can't wait to sign up for your online riding courses, looking forward to them!"
"I love watching your videos your make it very easy to learn, I do not understand why you dont have a million+ subscribers you deserve it! Keep doing what your doing God Bless, Thank you."
"I'm a beginner dirt bike rider and have very limited skills. I checked out your website and Spring of '23 I will be taking your online courses. Two videos in on YouTube and all the questions I had regarding shifting and corner were answered clearly and very easily understood."
"Rad Adventure Dude was sent by the moto gods to bless the mx community"
"This channel is a one stop shop for riding dirt bikes."
"Much respect to you Rad, Glasses up to much success"
"I don’t know why you guys don’t have 6M views and 4M subs you guys put so much work in your videos and there very informational and you answer comments which is so nice I’m definitely going to sub!!!"

100% Guaranteed Success
If you follow the Rad Dirt Bike Course and don't improve or learn any new techniques you can apply to your riding, let me know, and I will personally work with you to get you to the level you want to ride at 100% guaranteed.
You see, I take this very personally as I have spent so much time, energy, and effort into creating the most brutally effective content for you. From 20+ years of experience, I have crafted this secret riding system specifically for you to improve and master your riding in the safest and fastest way possible.
Anything less than that to me is simply unacceptable.
What I am telling you is this course will give you the rapid riding growth you are looking for 100% guaranteed. It will transform your riding immediately, changing the way you ride forever. If you apply these techniques to your riding, your ability level will soon exceed your expectations.
If you don't put the work in and would rather be stuck in a frustrating cycle of stagnant growth never knowing what to do when riding, then this is not for you. I'm sorry...
However, if you desire that change for yourself and want to ride anywhere anytime while beating your friends on the tracks and trails...
Then this is for you.
So get ready. because your life is about to change forever.
Are you unsure if this is right for you? Let me tell you this.​..
Learning how to ride on your own is a very dangerous way to learn. You can easily get hurt riding dirt bikes, costing you broken bones, tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills, months not being able to work and ride, or worse, your life.
This seems like a pretty expensive learning curve to me.
Still not sold?
If you were to learn everything I am going to teach you from an in-person trainer or a pro training facility, this information would cost you anywhere from a $1000-$10,000 dollars. Then when you leave at the end of the day or week, you have to remember everything you learned before eventually needing a refresher, costing you even more...
Not with me.
This is a one time fee that last a lifetime. I will teach you everything you need to know. You can stop and start the lessons at any moment and rewatch them at any time, all while learning at your own pace. This is available on a computer or your mobile device, so I will always be right by your side when you need help.
So, if you are serious about becoming a better dirt bike rider, and you want to learn as fast as you possibly can without spending or breaking an arm and a leg, then this should be a no brainer.
And let me tell you this...
I am going to do everything within my power to make this the best investment you ever make.